
Overview Programme

This section presents the overall programme of the 4-day Event.




Welcome coffee & registration

Espace Mougins
Le Méridien Nice

International Investor Compensation Schemes (ICS) Conference

Vallauris meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

EU Management Executive

Cogolin meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

EFDI Board

Vallauris meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

Welcome Cocktail

La Terrasse rooftop
Le Méridien Nice




Welcome coffee & registration

Espace Mougins
Le Méridien Nice

H2C Comm (Cross border Communication Subgroup)

Opio meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

Public Relations and Communication Committee (PRC)

Opio meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

H2C Finance (Cross border Finance Subgroup)

Cogolin meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

H2C Legal (Cross border Legal Subgroup)

Cogolin meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

H2C Ops (Cross border Operations/SCV Subgroup)

Tourette meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

D3 Working Group

Opio meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

Banking Union Working Group

Vallauris meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

Risk Management Working Group

Tourette meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

Stress Test Working Group

Vallauris meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

AMES (Affiliated Micro European States)

Cogolin meeting room
Le Méridien Nice


Le Méridien Nice

Cross Border Working Group (with all SubGroups)

Vallauris meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

EU Committee

Opio meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

FinTech Working Group

Cogolin meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

Research working Group

Tourette meeting room
Le Méridien Nice

Investor Compensation Schemes (ICS) Working Group

Vallauris meeting room
Le Méridien Nice




Welcome coffee & registration

Espace Mougins
Le Méridien Nice

EFDI Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Le Méridien Nice


Le Méridien Nice

Annual International DGS Conference – Part 1

Financial stability for the many? Deposit insurers at work

Le Méridien Nice

Gala dinner

Bus departure at 18.30
Le Méridien Hotel




Welcome coffee & registration

Espace Mougins
Le Méridien Nice

Annual International DGS Conference – Part 2

Financial stability for the many? Deposit insurers at work

Le Méridien Nice

Cocktail lunch

Espace Mougins
Le Méridien Nice




Excursion to ‘Saint-Honorat island’

On Saturday 1 June 2024, the FGDR is pleased to invite you to an excursion on the Saint-Honorat island, one of the two unique jewels where natural and cultural heritage shines, facing the bay of Cannes and the massif of the Estérel.
Saint-Honorat island


The list of speakers will be updated progressively.

To request registration, please send an email to

Dr. Oliver SCHÜTZ

After completing his doctorate in law at the University of Innsbruck, Dr. Oliver Schütz worked as a trainee lawyer in a large Austrian commercial law firm from 2000. In 2002, he joined the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA), where he held positions in the Legal Department and the Department for Basel 2 and Internal Models before becoming Head of the Department for Regulatory Banking Supervision and later the Department for the Supervision of Systemically Important Banking Groups.

From 2010 to 2015, Oliver was Head of Group Regulatory Affairs at Erste Group Bank AG and subsequently Chief Compliance Officer at UniCredit Bank Austria. Oliver was also a member of the EBA’s Banking Stakeholder Group from 2010 to 2014.

Oliver returned to the FMA in February 2015 and has been Head of Banking Resolution since then. Among other things, he was responsible for the orderly resolution of the Hypo-Alpe-Adria Group. Oliver is the author of numerous specialist publications in the field of banking supervisory law and appears as a speaker on specialist topics at national and international conferences and seminars.



Chairman, Autorité des Normes Comptables (ANC), France

Graduated from the ESSEC business school Robert Ophèle joins the Banque de France in 1981 where he will make the largest part of his professional career in banking supervision, in developing and implementing monetary policy and in the financial management of the bank.

Following a secondment to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, he took up the position of Director of the Management Control and Budget Directorate, then was appointed Deputy Director-General Economics and International Relations, before being promoted Director General Operations. He held the position of Second Deputy Governor of the Banque de France from January 2012 until July 2017; in this role, he became a member of the Supervisory Board for the European Central Bank.

On 1st August 2017 he was appointed Chairman of the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF).

He has been Chairman of the French Accounting Standards Authority (ANC) since February 2023.


Chairman, the Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR), France

Thierry Dissaux has served as Chairman of the Board of the Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR) since 2010. He is actively involved in international work in the area of financial stability as a Board member of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI). Thierry Dissaux also was President of the European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI). 

Thierry Dissaux has spent his career both in public administration at the Treasury Directorate where he held several positions in France, the United States and Japan and in the financial sector between 2000 and 2009. In 2000, he joined CDC IXIS as Director of Development, Strategy, Partnerships and New Businesses. In 2003, he was named Chief Executive Officer France and Chairman of the Executive Committee France of CDC IXIS Asset Management. In 2005 he joined CIFG and became Chief Executive Officer of CIFG Europe in 2008. 



Chairman, Single Resolution Board (SRB), Belgium

Dominique is Chair of the Single Resolution Board, the central resolution authority in the Banking Union, which is responsible for preparing for and managing bank crises. Working with the National Resolution Authorities in the Single Resolution Mechanism, its mission is to ensure an orderly resolution of failing banks with minimum impact on the real economy, the financial system, and the public finances of the participating member states and beyond.

Taking up his current mandate in 2023, Dominique is in charge of the management and the work of the board in its executive and plenary sessions.  He is member of the FSB Resolution Steering Group (ReSG) and represents the SRB towards international stakeholders. He is accountable to the European Parliament and other bodies, including the Eurogroup.

Dominique was previously Secretary-General of the French Prudential Supervisory Authority (ACPR), in charge of supervisory and resolution matters for banks and insurance undertakings. In that capacity, he was member of the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) and alternate member of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. As co-chair of the BCBS Task Force on Evaluation, he published the report Evaluation of the impact and efficacy of the Basel III reforms in December 2022.

Between 2015 and 2019 he was one of the founding members of the Single Resolution Board. Notably, he was responsible for resolution planning and preparation of decisions for banking groups in six European countries. He chaired the EBA Resolution Committee throughout this period.

Prior to that he held a number of positions in ACPR and the Banque de France, including as Chief Finance Officer and Deputy Director General responsible for setting up the French resolution directorate.

Dominique is a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and has a masters degree in business law from Paris II University.

Alejandro LOPEZ

CEO, Seguro de Depósitos Sociedad Anónima, Argentina Chair, International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI)

Mr Alejandro Javier López is the CEO of Seguro de Depósitos Sociedad Anónima (SEDESA, Argentina). He began to work in this organisation in October 2008 as legal auditor.

Prior to joining SEDESA, he worked in several positions within the public sector such as Chief of Staff of the Legal and Administrative Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy and Production, where he gave legal advice to the Secretary and to the Minister of Economy and Production. Previous to this, he was the Director of the « Fondo Fiduciario De Asistencia a Entidades Financieras y de Seguros”, a trust fund assisting financial institutions which plays a similar role than SEDESA in assisting the banking system.

His professional background includes a vast experience in state agencies and offices where he has performed coordination tasks in the legal area and as management advisor.

Mr López is an attorney at law and graduated from the law school of the University of El Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In March 2021, Mr López was elected as Vice Chair of the IADI Executive Council. Mr López is also a member of the Member Relations Council Committee and of the Training and Technical Assistance Council Committee. At the regional level, Mr López served as IADI Latin America Regional Committee Chairperson for the period 2012-2018.


Director, European Commission, DG FISMA, Belgium

Martin Merlin started his career at the French Treasury in the Department of International Monetary and Financial Affairs.  He then joined the Commission and since then has worked consistently across the various domains of Financial Services including positions in the Commissioner’s Cabinet, as Head of Unit coordinating Financial Services Policy and as Director of Financial Markets until his current position as Director, Banking, Insurance and Financial Crime. He represents the Commission at the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, on the Board of Supervisors of both EBA and EIOPA, in the Financial Stability Board and in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF/GAFI). 



CEO, Spanish Investors Compensation Scheme for investment firms (FOGAIN), Spain

Ignacio Santillán is the CEO of Gestora del Fondo General de Garantía de Inversiones (Spanish Investor Compensation Scheme for Investment Firms or FOGAIN). He has been Head of Legal and Vice Secretary to the Board of Gestora del Fondo General de Garantía de Inversiones; Head of the Financial Markets Group in the Madrid office of Linklaters, Head of legal services and Vice Secretary to the Board of the Spanish clearing and settlement system for equities; Secretary to the Board and Board member of Espaclear, the Spanish clearing and settlement system for fixed income; Lawyer in the legal department of the Spanish Securities Markets Supervisor (the CNMV). He is a member of the Securities and Markets Stakeholders Group (SMSG) of ESMA and of the Consultative Committee of the Spanish Securities Markets Supervisor (the CNMV).



Senior Vice President, Legal, Policy & Corporate Secretary, Canadian Investor Protection Fund, Canada

Ms. Singer is a bilingual member of CIPF’s senior management team, leading a team with responsibility for policy, legal, communications and corporate secretarial matters. She is Chair of the Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Advisory Panel, a member of the Northwind Retail Investor and Disruptive Technologies Forum Steering Committees, and a multilingual Toronto Centre Program Leader since 2005. Ms. Singer also serves as a World Bank securities expert, with a focus on investor protection matters.  Prior to her role at CIPF, Ms. Singer served as Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Director at the Canadian Foundation for the Advancement of Investor Rights (FAIR Canada) and was an Adjunct Instructor for the Osgoode Hall Law School Investor Protection Seminar. She is past Chair of the Toronto Centre Securities Advisory Board, and was Senior Advisor, International Affairs at the OSC. Ms. Singer began her career as a corporate and securities lawyer at McMillan LLP in Toronto, Canada.

Ms. Singer holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen’s University. She is also a recent graduate of the Securities Industry Institute (SII) offered by Wharton Executive Education in partnership with SIFMA.


Stefan TACKE

Managing Director, Deposit Guarantee Scheme, Austria Chairman of the Board, EFDI

Stefan was elected Chairman of the Board of the European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI) in 2022, serving a three-year term. In this capacity, he is also Chairman of the EFDI European Management Executive (EUME). 

Stefan has held a variety of senior positions in the Austrian banking sector over the past 30 years. He specialized in the field of bank restructuring, resolution, and regulatory affairs, including serving as SPOC to European and Austrian supervisory authorities. 

Since 2017, he is Managing Director of Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA (ESA), the unified
Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Scheme of Austrian banks.

He has a strong background in project management and customer relation.
Stefan holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Vienna. 

Dr. JaeHoon YOO

Chairman and President, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC), Korea

JaeHoon Yoo is the Chairman and President of the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC).[1] He is also working as ex-officio Commissioner of the Financial Services Commission (South Korea), and a member of the Executive Council of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI). 

During his 30-year career in public service, he worked on capital market development, financial policy, and international cooperation for developing countries. 

From 1997 to 2000, Yoo worked as an economist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila. He served as a senior securities market specialist at the World Bank (WB) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) between 2005 and 2008. Yoo was the president of the Sciences Po de Paris Korean Alumni Association. 

He worked as Spokesperson for the Financial Services Commission (South Korea) from 2008 to 2009. He worked as s Director General of the Treasury Bureau at the Ministry of Strategy and Finance (South Korea) from December 2009 to March 2011. He served as Commissioner of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) from April 2012. He worked as Chairman and CEO of Korea Securities Depository (KSD) from November 2013 to October 2016. Yoo also worked as Director General and Controller of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) from 2016 to 2019. 

From 2017 to 2022, Yoo worked as a member of the International Advisory Council (IAC) of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). 

He served as emeritus professor of the Graduate School of Public Administration at Konkuk University in Korea and vice-dean/professor of the China-Japan-Korea Research Institute at Shandong University of Finance and Economics in China from 2019 to 2022. 


Dr. Henning VÖPEL

Director of the Centre for European Policy Professor of Economics at the BSP Business and Law School, Germany

Prof. Dr. Henning Vöpel has been Director of the Centre for European Policy and Professor of Economics at the BSP Business and Law School since October 2021.

Previously, he was Director and CEO of the Hamburg Institute of International Economics HWWI from 2014 to 2021 and Professor of Economics at the Hamburg School of Business and Administration HSBA from 2010 to 2021. After studying economics, he was awarded a doctorate for his thesis on the « Stabilisation Effects of Monetary Policy ». After working as a research assistant at the University of Hamburg, he founded the consultancy EconView. In 2006, he moved to the HWWI, where, among other things, he participated several times in the so-called Joint Economic Forecast for the Federal Government. In 2009 and 2015, he spent research stays in the USA at the invitation of the U.S. State Department as part of the International Young Leader Program.

Sonja Lill Flø MYKLEBUST

Executive Director at The Norwegian Banks’ Guarantee Fund, Norway

Myklebust has since 2009 been director of the Norwegian Banks’ Guarantee Fund leading the Department of Analysis and Crisis Management in addition to being in charge of administration, accounting, HR and following up the asset management of the fund. She was previously a senior manager in KPMG where she worked for 14 years as an external and internal auditor for major financial institutions such as life insurance companies, asset managers and banks. She has been a member of the Executive Council in the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) for 6 years and a chairperson of the Audit and Risk Council Committee for five years. She has also been vice-chair of the European Regional Committee in IADI for three years. She is presently a member of the Task Force on Deposit Guarantee Schemes of the European Banking Authority (EBA) and she is a director in the Board of the European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI) in addition to being the treasurer of EFDI. She earned a bachelor with Honors degree from the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh, Scotland and has completed the State Authorized Public Accountant study from the NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen, Norway.

Sonja Lill Flø Myklebust joined the Norwegian Banks’ Guarantee Fund in 2009 as Director for the Department of Analysis and Contingency Planning. This also includes the responsibility of the general administration of the Fund such as HR, IT, Finance, Accounting… In addition to following up the Asset Management of the Fund. She is also in charge of the NBGF’s international work, including the main contact with EFDI, IADI, EBA and EGBPI (EU).


Dr. Thomas STERN

Head, the Resolution Unit in the FMA, Liechtenstein

Thomas Stern, born 1982 in Vienna, studied law, political science and business administration. After working many years in banking supervision, he currently heads the Resolution Unit in the FMA Liechtenstein. Besides that, he is affiliated professor at the Swiss Open Institute and private lecturer at the University of Liechtenstein. He is a member of several European working groups referring to financial market regulation.    


Patrizia BAUDINO

Senior Advisor, the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Switzerland

Patrizia Baudino’s activities focus on financial stability and bank regulation, especially macroprudential aspects and stress testing. Prior to joining the FSI in 2016, and since 2002, she held various positions at the European Central Bank, most recently as an Advisor in the macroprudential and financial stability department. In 2007-10, she was a member of the Secretariat of the Financial Stability Board.

Patrizia holds a PhD in Economics from Princeton University.

Etienne BAREL

Deputy Chief Executive Office, French Banking Federation (FBF), France

Etienne Barel joined the French Banking Federation (FBF) on 1 September 2020, as Deputy Chief Executive Officer heading the Banking and Accounting Supervision, Tax, Institutional Relations (Europe and International), Investing Banking and Markets, and Climate departments. 

Etienne Barel is an ENA (Ecole Nationale d’Administration) alumnus who began his career as Finance Inspector with the French Ministries for the Economy, Finance, Public Service and Public Accounts from 1994 to 1998. He joined BNP Paribas in 1998 as Deputy Head of Strategy and Development, before being appointed Head of Branches in the Greater Paris Area, Chief Executive Officer of BMCI (a subsidiary of BNP Paribas in Morocco), then Head of Wealth Management in 2005. From 2008 to 2013, he oversaw the merger of BNP Paribas and Fortis in Belgium and became Head of the Brussels region for BNP Paribas Fortis in 2012. From 2013 to 2019, he headed the Rhône-Alpes Auvergne network, and was subsequently appointed Senior Advisor for Retail Banking in France. 


Alexandra MANIATI

Senior Director, Innovation & Cybersecurity, European Banking Federation, Belgium

Alexandra Maniati is leading the European Banking Federation’s work on digital finance. Main priorities under her remit include: the digital euro,open finance,cybersecurity and digital operational resilience, payments,cloud banking and AI.  

Working closely with bank associations throughout Europe, she is responsible for the EBF digital innovation and cybersecurity strategy, positionne on legislative/regulatory processes, relations with EU institutions, and projects aimed at regulatory harmonization. Alexandra Maniati is a member of strategic groups of the European Commission, ENISA and Europol EC3. She also represents the EBF in the Industry Group of the G7 Cyber Expert Groupandin the Digital Transformation WG of the International Banking Federation. 


Monika JONES

Moderator of the Annual International Conference

As a news anchor at Germany’s global TV broadcaster, Deutsche Welle, Monika Jones is one of the leading bilingual journalists and presenters in Germany. She is also a leading bilingual presenter of international conferences and business events. Her regular clients include top multinational companies, government ministries, European institutions and NGOs. Monika’s specialist areas are economics, corporate relations, human resources, and transport & logistics.



Governor of the Banque de France, France

François Villeroy de Galhau was born in Strasbourg on 24 February 1959. He graduated from the École Polytechnique (class of 1978) and the ENA (class of 1984 « Louise Michel »). He is also a former Inspector of Finance.

From 1990 to 1993, he was advisor to the Minister of Finance and Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy. He then held various posts at the French Treasury in Bercy, before becoming financial advisor at the Permanent Representation of France in Brussels. Under the government of Lionel Jospin, he was chief of staff of the Minister of the Economy and Finance, Dominique Strauss-Kahn from 1997 to 1999 and Christian Sautter from 1999 to 2000. He was head of the General Tax Directorate from 2000 to 2003.In 2003, François Villeroy de Galhau became the Chief Executive Officer of Cetelem, the consumer credit company of BNP Paribas group, then headed the group’s retail banking activities in France (2008). François Villeroy de Galhau served as Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas group, in charge of domestic markets then of corporate social responsibility, from 1 December 2011 until 1 May 2015, when the French government entrusted him with an assignment on investment financing.

François Villeroy de Galhau was appointed Governor of the Banque de France by the President of the French Republic on 30 September 2015 and took office on 1 November 2015. He is a member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.


Useful information about Le Méridien

Occupying a prime position on the Promenade des Anglais, Le Méridien Nice has a legendary French Riviera location, with exceptional garden and sea views. 

Opening hours Riviera Restaurant: Breakfast room: 7:00am –10:30am 

Rooftop Restaurant: The bar La Terrasse offers panoramic views of the Baie des Anges Drinks: 11:00am – 6:00pm / Lunch: 12:00pm – 2:30pm (3pm during weekends) 

Latitude Bar (Lobby bar): Drinks: 7:00am – 12:00am / Diner/Food: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Reception: 24/7 Spa: 10:00am – 7:00pm (closed on Sunday) 

Swimming pool: 9:00am – 6:00pm 

Gym: 24/7

Jonathan PALLANT

Head of Public Affairs and International Liaison for the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), England

Jonathan is the Head of Public Affairs and International Liaison for the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. He is responsible for the organisation’s external affairs. He previously worked in regulatory affairs at the World Federation of Exchanges – the global body for stock

exchanges and clearing houses. As part of this work Jonathan engaged with international and national regulators to help shape policy and legislation.

Prior to joining the World Federation of Exchanges, he held senior roles with the City of London Corporation, the governing body for London’s financial district, leading teams on policy engagement and advocacy for the City of London with the European Union and the 27 Member States. He was later appointed the City’s senior policy adviser for international markets. Prior to this, he worked in the private office of the Lord Mayor of London and in the City’s Parliamentary affairs department.

Josephine WANG

President and CEO, Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), the USA

Josephine Wang joined SIPC as a staff attorney in 1983.  In 2004, she became the General Counsel and Secretary of SIPC, and in 2019, the President and CEO of SIPC.  Before joining SIPC, Ms. Wang was an attorney with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. While on the SIPC staff, Ms. Wang worked on some of the larger liquidations under the Securities Investor Protection Act (“SIPA”).  As General Counsel, she served as SIPC’s chief legal officer.  As President and CEO, she oversees the day-to-day operations of SIPC, and is the main point of contact with SIPC’s Board of Directors.

Ms. Wang is the co-author of a comprehensive article on stockbroker liquidations under SIPA (12 Cardozo Law Review 509 (1990)), and the author of “On the Road to Recovery: Victims of the Madoff Fraud,” 8 International In-house Counsel Journal 3141 (Winter 2015).  She has been a speaker on behalf of SIPC at various programs, sponsored by, among others, the International Belgrade Stock Exchange; the American Bar Association; the Futures Industry Association Law and Compliance Division; the International Women’s Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation; the George Washington University Center for Law, Economics, and Finance; and the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. She is a graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.

Yoshio OKUBO

Chair, Japan Investor Protection Fund (JIPF), Japan

Served at senior positions at Japan Securities Dealers Association (SRO), Japan Investment Trust Association (SRO), and at Japan’s regulatory organization, JFSA on financial regulatory and international issues. Also served at the World Bank Group as Executive Director for Japan.


Chairwoman, French Financial Markets Authority (AMF), France

Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani has been Chairman of the AMF since 26 October 2022. She was appointed by the President of the French Republic.

The Chairwoman of the AMF regulates participants and products in the French financial markets. She is tasked with safeguarding investments in financial products, ensuring that investors receive material information, and maintaining orderly financial markets. To reach these goals, she is able to regulate, monitor, and, where necessary, conduct investigations and issue sanctions. She can also offer a mediation in case of a conflict between different entities.

The Chairwoman of the AMF is also a member of the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (H3C-French Superior Council of Statutory Auditors), the Colleges of the Autorité des Normes Comptables (ANC – French Accounting Standards Authority) and of the ACPR. Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani graduated from ENA (Ecole Nationale d’Administration) and is a general inspector of Finance. She held several positions at the French Treasury and was director general of French Banking Federation. From 2019 to 2022 she was secretary general of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.


President and CEO, Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF), Canada

Toni Ferrari was appointed to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of CIPF in January 2023. Prior to her role at CIPF, served as Senior Vice President, Internal Audit at Scotiabank. Also held senior positions with TD Bank, Barrick Gold Corporation and Royal Bank of Canada. Began her career in the Canadian financial sector in compliance and advisory roles, including at the Ontario Securities Commission, where she worked to establish regulatory oversight over securities registrants and the Investment Dealers Association of Canada, as well as the creation of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada. She is a Chartered Profesionnal Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Finance from the University of Toronto.


Technology Consulting and AI Leader at PwC Spain

Armando is the partner responsible for the Technology Consulting practice at PwC Spain and a member of the Firm’s Consulting Board. Additionally he is involved in many different working groups around GenAI in PwC at EMEA level. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, he has worked on different clients both nationally and internationally in recent years, deploying both ad hoc models and market solutions that make use of these techniques. Three years ago he led the development of the Guide for the Ethical and Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence together with OdiseIA (Observatory of the Social and Ethical Impact of AI) in which Microsoft, Google, Telefónica and IBM collaborated, and it was presented by Carme Artigas (Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence). In relation to Generative AI, he leads this practice in which PwC Spain already has built a specific team and real experiences deployed in production in several clients. He is a regular speaker at different events around Generative AI, discussing strategy, real use cases, transformation of business models, adoption and change management, impact of regulation, as well as specific architectures for its deployment at scale.


Chair of Management board, Investor Compensation Fund, Bulgaria

She was a deputy Chair of the Management board of Bulgarian Investor Compensation Fund from 2015 to 2022. She started her career in 2008 in the ICF as a Head of the Information and Analyses Department. In 2014 she joined the advisory team of the Minister of Finance. In 2013 Diyana Miteva graduated her PhD in Finance at the University and National and World Economy (UNWE) and since then she is lecturer in Monetary theory and policy, capital markets and other courses.

Her scientific and research activities include managing of Institute for economy and politics within UNWE also a member of the consultancy council of Monetary and economic research center.


Policy & Funding Manager, The Investor Compensation Company DAC, Ireland

Alan joined the Irish Investor Compensation Company (ICCL) in 2006 as a Financial Accountant, having trained with Deloitte in Dublin, Ireland.  Over the years he has held various roles at the ICCL and is currently the Funding and Policy Manager. He has worked on small and medium sized investment firm failures during his tenure with ICCL.  He currently chairs the ICS working group at EFDI having previously represented ICS members at EFDI as the Associate Member Observer of the Board between 2017 and 2023.


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